Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are unwelcome additions to our skin. These marks are known as broken tissue can lead to the narrow lines or streaks on the skin’s surface. Almost everyone at one point in life experiences certain kinds of stretch marks in different body parts  like the abdomen, buttocks, upper arms, shoulders, etc. These marks occur when elastic fibers and collagen tear during certain conditions like pregnancy, during puberty, rapid weight gain, etc.

Many dermatologists fail to offer the right treatment of stretch marks. But it is one condition, which medical tattooing treats successfully. Microneedling and plasma treatment for stretch marks has emerged as one of the most successful treatments to get rid of the narrow streaks. If you are looking for the paramedical specialist for treating stretch marks in Dubai,  Paris Faraji can help you.

Microneedling and plasma to Cover Stretch Marks

Paris Faraji with her experience and support of permanent make-up artists’ team treat the stretch marks by offering personalized cosmetic treatment to the clients.  With paramedical advanced microneedling method, the stretch marks are cleaned successfully for a totally renewed and rejuvenated skin with much less visible and in some cases disappeared. However, if treatment starts shortly after stretch marks occur, it will be much easier and faster to disappear them specially when they are still in their purple color. It is a non-invasive and pain-free process which usually takes one or two hours’ time. Clients will start experiencing the results after 4 to 6 session of the  treatments.

After completion of the first stage of the paramedical stretch marks treatment, the clients will get home-care products and few instructions which are important to follow to get the optimal results. The second stage of the treatment involves taking touch-up sessions after 6-8 weeks. Although, any person who wants to hide their stretch marks can seek the paramedical  microneedling, it is advisable to discuss the case in detail with experienced beautician and artist, Paris Faraji to know whether you are an ideal candidate for the treatment.

During the initial consultation, the experienced beautician will disclose the procedure, risk involved, expected results and total cost of paramedical microneedling for removing stretch marks.

Contact Paris Faraji Now!

So, if you are really unhappy with the presence of unwanted stretch marks all over your body, medical tattooing cosmetic treatment can help you. Seek an appointment with Paris Faraji for seeking an initial consultation.

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